lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

Cities :

LONDON: The capital of England and the United Kingdom. Situated on the River Thames in the southeast of the island of Great Britain, the place is dated more than two millennia ago, was founded around AD 43 by the Romans under the name Londinium. The heart of the city, the ancient City of London, still retains its medieval boundaries, but at least from the nineteenth century, the name "London" has also referred to the metropolis that has grown up alrededor.2Actualmente, this agglomeration conurbation forms the London region of England3 and administrative area of Greater London, 4With its own mayor and asamblea.5
In Greater London there are four distinctive places as World Heritage Sites: the Tower of London, the settlement of Greenwich, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the place covered by the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and the Church of Santa Margarita.6
London's population is made up of a wide range of ethnicities, cultures, and religions, and in the city speak over 300 languages​​. In 2007 the official population was 7,512,400 in Greater London area. The Greater London Urban Area has a population of 8,278,251 and the metropolitan area, the largest in the EU, has an estimated population of 12 to 14 million people. The public transport network, administered by Transport for London, is one of the largest in the world, and Heathrow Airport is the busiest international airport by passenger volume in Europe.

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